Friday, January 3, 2014

Left over Christms chocolate, what to do? Part One

Truffles, solids and marshmallow covered chocolates.
Like you, I had so many wonderful chocolate gifts this holiday season. Now, after denying myself nothing for a month, I need to shed a few pounds. Nevertheless, what am I going to do with all this chocolate? No way am I throwing it out! Check out a few of these ideas to save the chocolates. If you like these ideas pin it on pintrest, maybe together we can save some innocent cocoa. If you have an idea, please share.

1. Use them instead of chocolate chips for cookies, pancakes, oatmeal and muffins. Remembering your chocolates will stay fresh a few months, leave them in the original wrappers, put them in a airtight container and store them in a cool dark cupboard or pantry. When its time for baking, cut your leftover chocolates into small chunks. Cooling them in the frig for 15 minutes will harden the chunks and make it easier to stir them into your mix.

Cut up truffles and chocolate dipped marshmallow pieces.

2. Mix and match. Don't be too concerned about separating the different flavors or variety's, mixing them up will be very decadent.
3. Keep your solids for dipping Strawberries. I hate to remind you but, Valentine's Day is only five weeks away. I will be posting a foolproof recipe for Chocolate Dipped Valentine Strawberries soon. Melting your extra Christmas chocolates for dipping works great.  

We'll get to that soon.
Enjoy, Sonia


  1. I eat all of the chocolate or put it in our staff lounge for the other teachers to eat. I do like the idea melting the chocolate to dip strawberries.
